Saturday, September 29, 2012

2 months

Oliver William
2 months old
11 lbs 15 oz
23.5 inches

Ollie, you are learning new things everyday!  You are a champion at giving everyone smiles.  Recently you found your hands and will stare at them to figure out just how to move them.  We are seeing less of a newborn and more of a baby!  You are getting squirmier than ever and you love to explore the house and all the interesting things in it.  You especially love our black and white photos! Your head has become quite steady and you can sit in your bumbo chair for little periods of time.  Standing on mom and dad is a good way to see everything!  We think you are going to start running any day!

such a happy boy!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

1 month

Oliver William
1 month old
7 lbs 1 oz
20 inches 

Oh baby boy!  You have officially stolen our hearts!  From those sly half smiles to how you announce that your diaper needs changing *ahem-you take after your father, we are loving getting to know you!  So far you love love to snuggle on our chests and let us know it is time for a snack by headbutting us.  We can't wait to see how you change and grow!

We will take your picture every month on the 24th to document how big you are getting as well as the milestones you are hitting.


My photo
Denver, CO
month by month photo diary of Oliver Underhill